Free star charts
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Detailed star charts
The detailed beginner star charts by Andrew L. Johnson show stars down to magnitude 7.25; about the limit of naked-eye visibility under very dark skies. For most of us under light polluted conditions, it's a great set of charts for finding our way around with binoculars or a 6x30 or larger finderscope.
Because many stars are listed by their Bayer designation, download a free Greek alphabet reference guide here.
Print or download these black and white free star charts (PDF format). To save, right click then "Save Target As"
1 - 10 | Constellations visible | R.A. | Dec. | 11 - 20 | Constellations visible on chart | R.A. | Dec. |
Chart 1 | URSA MINOR, URSA MAJOR, CASSIOPEIA, CEPHEUS, DRACO | All R.A. | North of +65 | Chart 11Chart 11a | VIRGO, COMA BERENICES, CORVUS, SERPENS CAPUTClose up of VIRGO galaxies | 12h to 16h 11.5h to 13.5h | +20 to -20+20 to 0 |
Chart 2 | PERSEUS, ANDROMEDA, TRIANGULUM | 0h to 4h | +65 to +20 | Chart 12 | AQUILA, OPHIUCUS, SERPENS CAUDA | 16h to 20h | +20 to -20 |
Chart 3 | GEMINI, AURIGA, PERSEUS | 4h to 8h | +65 to +20 | Chart 13 | AQUARIUS, DELPHINUS, EQUULEUS, PEGASUS | 20h to 0h | +20 to -20 |
Chart 4 | URSA MAJOR, LEO MINOR, LYNX | 8h to 12h | +65 to +20 | Chart 14 | ERIDANUS, SCULPTOR, PHOENIX, FORNAX, HOROLOGIUM | 0h to 4h | -20 to -65 |
Chart 5 | URSA MAJOR, BOOTES, CANES VENATICI, CORONA BOREALIS | 12h to 16h | +65 to +20 | Chart 15 | CANIS MAJOR, COLUMBA, PICTOR, PUPPIS | 4h to 8h | -20 to -65 |
Chart 6 | HERCULES, LYRA, VULPECULA, SAGITTA | 16h to 20h | +65 to +20 | Chart 16 | HYDRA, ANTLIA, PYXIS, VELA | 8h to 12h | -20 to -65 |
Chart 7 | CYGNUS, LACERTA, PEGASUS | 20h to 0h | +65 to +20 | Chart 17 | HYDRA, CENTAURUS, LUPUS | 12h to 16h | -20 to -65 |
Chart 8 | PISCES, CETUS | 0h to 4h | +20 to -20 | Chart 18 | SAGITTARIUS, SCORPIUS | 16h to 20h | -20 to -65 |
Chart 9 | TAURUS, ORION, MONOCEROS, LEPUS, CANIS MINOR/MAJOR | 4h to 8h | +20 to -20 | Chart 19 | PISCES AUSTRINUS, MICROSCOPIU, GRUS | 20h to 0h | -20 to -65 |
Chart 10 | LEO, CANCER, SEXTANS, HYDRA | 8h to 12h | +20 to -20 | Chart 20 | CIRCUMPOLAR, SOUTH | All | South of -65 |
The star charts above utilize the Greek alphabet system to denote the brightest 24 stars for most constellations. To assist in interpreting these symbols, you can download this free Greek alphabet astronomy reference guide here. File is for 11 inches x 8.5 inches paper, in PDF format. File size is 2.3MB. See below for a preview of this chart, or click on it to download the PDF.