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Eyes on the Sky
with David Fuller
M22 First Capture Stack 20200819 120fat10s At72edii

What people are saying about Eyes on the Sky

Feedback from viewers of "Eyes on the Sky" weekly videos, information videos, and live presentations:

This video has taught me how to set-up an eq mount with ease, i've watched other similar videos but they seem to over complicate things & have put me off from buying 1. I was going to buy a telescope with an alt-azimuth mount, but after watching this tutorial im definitely going to buy 1 with a eq mount.. 
thummer911 on YouTube

Thank you for these monthly night sky guides. They're informative, educational and thoroughly enjoyable to watch. I'll be looking forward to more of your videos in the upcoming months!
kerigpope on YouTube 

Awesome video, Dave! Thanks again. I saw the SN [supernoza] tonight with my 80mm (3.1") scope, even with the full moon.
skyscraperjim on YouTube

I found pegasus in the sky the other day. That was a great class and has really opened up the night sky. 
Bruce A., live presentation attendee

i've learnt more watching this video than all the other vids i've watched and books i've read
gp15wales on YouTube

Simple and easy to understand... better than the manual in my Skywatcher Newtonian reflector.. Thanks
Heapydood on YouTube 

Hi Dave! I've been watching all of your videos here since March of this year. I'm from The Philippines and I always look forward every month for your monthly videos. Keep up the good work and a big Thanks for sharing to us your knowledge on astronomy. Kudos for you!!
kuyukut1 on YouTube

best video i have EVER seen.. very informative. thank you
CodyCosFunnyVids on YouTube 

Awesome, this was very helpful and funny!
kiyashin on YouTube 

Was that a Monty python reference I saw! Haha. Nice video, and getting better every week!
sandgreenz on YouTube

Thank you!!! In 11 minutes, you just undid 3 weeks of frustration for me. I really appreciate the time you took to understand this so clearly.
smokie7452 on YouTube 

You did a great job explaining how to balancing the telescope than other youtube videos, i couldn't have done without you. 
khongten172 on YouTube

no seriously dude...very well done. thanks man...i hated my eq the first night i got it...this video really helped me understand it all. GRACIAS
entropy111111 on YouTube 

This is a ridiculously good video. Very informative!
srk4044 on YouTube