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Eyes on the Sky
with David Fuller
Eclipse 2012 Davesommerfield

More eclipse photos

May 21, 2012

My friend Dave Sommerfield was with me while we were hoping to see ANY of the eclipse, as I blogged about yesterday.  Both armed with nothing but our smartphones, we were probably pretty fortunate to get pictures as good as the ones we got.  But Dave had a bit of serendipity with one of his shots - check out the lens flare in the lower part of this picture.  You can't see the Moon "bite" out of the Sun where the Sun actually is in the sky, but in the lens flare... well - check it out:

Solar eclipse photo 2012 Dave Sommerfield

And in Japan, one of my friends lives just outside Tokyo.  If I understand it correctly, that part of the world hasn't seen an eclipse since the 1800's, but I may be wrong on that count.  In any case, I spotted some of the eclipse as it occurred there yesterday via live internet feeds.  But my friend Shinji captured this excellent shot through the clouds.  He was disappointed that he didn't get a "perfect ring" but man... that sure is a great shot as far as I'm concerned!

Solar Eclipse 20120520 Shinji Ikebe Japan

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