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Eyes on the Sky
with David Fuller
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And in the beginning

February 11, 2012

In the beginning, the Lord said, "Let there be light."  And then in the 1950's or so, Man said, "Let there be light at night too," except then it blocked out most of the natural lights from up above, and Man (and Woman!), had to drive out to the country to see all of the stars, and even then, the Heavens aren't nearly so glorious as they once were.


Okay, so I really wanted to say something profound and wise and whatnot with my first blog post here on the new "Eyes on the Sky" website, and I confess, the above doesn't quite accomplish that as I'd hoped.  So here's the deal: This site is designed for beginners and intermediate stargazers and amateur astronomers alike.  I have a dual focus: To educate about the night sky and how to find things in it, and about light pollution reduction.  It's really that simple.  I hope you enjoy the videos I create and post here, and I look forward to adding more thoughts on things as I have the opportunity to expound on them here in this space.

Wishing you clear and dark skies!


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